Looking for that easy online Budgeting app that could help out?
Can't seem to understand where the money is going? The more you make the more you spend?I know that feeling. Well we have a few answers for you that are easy to use, to either track your spending or budget your spending habits.
Look no further there are a few options:
Or excel always works if you are a wiz at spreadsheets and following them.
I vote for Mint - can set up your personal accounts. If your bank doesn't show up on it, try one of the other apps mentioned. This is one step in getting ahead of the game with your stuff!
Have fun- with some options and getting organized!
Step 2: now that you have that organized, check out our system to ensure everything is all in one place in case something happens to you. What would your family members, or friends do if you were in the hospital for a while and you can't tell them what to do, what about the kids, what do the dogs do, what do they eat, etc.
Oh I forgot! Nothing is going to happen!
Well think again, something will. Either sickness, accident, theft, fire, injury, or even a disease, or trip abroad.
Check out: www.yourbackupplan.ca